Human being is an social animal and healways want to live and work together in groups. Vidial social service center is working and concreating its attention on rural self help groups especially among the neglected and the down torodden of Kanyakumari district.
Kanyakumari district is the south most tip of Peninsuila - where Swamy Vivekananda meditated - sorrunded by the tri seaviz. Bay of bengal, Indian Ocean & Arabian sea. Natural source is plenty in thedistrict and that is why Handicrafts using natural fiber, shells, Leaves, Woods etc. are inabundance.
We have started 20 new SHG's (Self Help Groups) and these are aadded with out trust. At present Vidial Social Service Center has 300 SHG's and 500 JLG's effectively functioning. And also we have 200 new JLG's and these added with our trust
As all we aware of "Service to man is Service to God" we hope to serve man in better and greater ways.
Mrs. A. Sundara Bai
Managing Trustee & President
Mrs. A. Sundara Bai
Managing Trustee
Mrs. F. Rani Jeya Sheela BSW
Mrs. F. Rani Jeya Sheela BSW